
Skyrim special edition archer build
Skyrim special edition archer build

skyrim special edition archer build skyrim special edition archer build skyrim special edition archer build

Block is just as important as One-Handed so you should try to keep them in balance. The further an enemy has to run towards you, the less stamina they have when they get to you, and it goes the same for you, so be patient, and watch the scales tip into your favor with each passing second. Once an enemy sees you, hold your ground rather than rush in, and lob a few arrows their way. Level: 66 Race: Nord Play style: The Dragonborn is the all around Warrior, sword and board melee combat and archery for range, he is suited for any situation. The build of the Night Blade is a mixture of the sneaky skills from a Assassin and the wizardy of a Mage, with the perks being spend on the One-Handed, Illusion, Destruction, Maybe Archery and Sneak skills (including the Assassin's Blade Perk.)īuilds Added by Community AscendedFalmer's Builds for Master Difficulty Vampirism is most beneficial for this kind of class, but not a requirement. Beyond that, the choices are yours as far as non- combat perks.

skyrim special edition archer build

The general rule of thumb for the Assassin build is to pump your perk points into one-handed, dagger, and sneak (specifically the - Assassin's Blade Perk), light armor, and fill the Archery tree. Also points should be added to Shields, One Handed or Two Handed, depending on your style. The main idea behind a Paladin class is being a strong melee user, with the assistance of magic, so the key choice here should be Restoration and Heavy Armor, along with Alteration for the armor increases. This is because destruction magic is very underpowered at higher levels and your best option in battle is to stun lock enemies with dual cast, making you practically invincible in a 1 on 1 fight. Tip: If you plan to base your character's offensive ability mainly on Destruction magic, its advisable to enchant your clothes/armor with 100% destruction magic mana reduction. One or two points in Light Armor to help survival. The Deadly Aim, Eagle Eye, Steady Hands skills have proven to be useful.Ī warlock is based almost purely on Destruction magic, so clearly pump points there, with some in Conjuration and Enchanting. A companion is recommended for distractions. Use up your mana and slice up your victims until it refills.Īrchers can be pretty deadly in Skyrim. Enchanting, One Handed, and any assortment of magic is what you're looking at here. This style sits on the line of Jack of All Trades, but worth a look. Smithing and archery are also recommended as complimentary skills. Heavy armor is the typical route for a melee character without a shield.

Skyrim special edition archer build